What is Starlight & Strategy?

Right now, Starlight & Strategy is on a perhaps-permanent hiatus.

You are welcome to browse the 62 issues published between 2019 - 2023. And read on for some reflections on what this was all about.

It is a newsletter and a conversation. It is shaped and changed by you. It is inspired by the brilliance and wisdom of Black, Indigenous, and other women and femmes of color.

It is the glimmer that you catch out of the corner of your eye when you look up at the night sky.

It was, even before the pandemic, a dance party in the kitchen.

Through this project, I seek to reflect and build on how I see our collective imaginations rooting into the fertile ground of outrage and grief, sprouting into acts of hope, and blooming into many possible futures.

It is a place for us as a community to engage with decolonizing, anti-racist, radically queer, and feminist perspectives and ideas. At the same time, it is a place to make mistakes and learn from them.

OK, this all sounds lovely but what is it, concretely?

Virgos and Queen of Pentacles types, I see you. Each issue includes an essay, writing and tarot prompts, and recommendations of podcasts, articles, and books that seek to change and shape our society toward justice and liberation. Sometimes, I send something a short audio or video clip or other tidbits or around the new moon.

What’s up with subscriptions?

There are no paid subscriptions or paywalls right now.

When I did have paid subscriptions, I donated all proceeds to Families for Justice As Healing, Soul Fire Farm, Transgender Law Center - about $3500 in total.

There was no difference of content—subscribers of all levels, including the free one, get the same content. This was my personal attempt at navigating and trying to subvert capitalism.

Who are you?

I am the author of poetry collections Last Days (Alice James Books) and We Come Elemental (Alice James Books), and co-editor Poetry As Spellcasting: Poems, Essays, and Prompts for Manifesting Liberation and Reclaiming Power. My poetry and articles have been published widely, including by Denver Quarterly, Idaho Review, Dusie, Black Warrior Review, Georgia Review, Lit Hub, and the Rumpus.

I am a queer, mixed race (Japanese and white), cisgender woman and femme, living in on land traditionally cared for by Neponset Band of the Massachusett people. A social justice communications writer and strategist, I spend my days writing truth to power. More about me and my work at tamikobeyer.com.

Subscribe to Starlight and Strategy

Our collective imaginations are rooting into the fertile ground of outrage and grief, sprouting into acts of hope, and blooming into many possible futures. Here, find essays, offerings, and prompts for living your life wide awake and shaping change.


Tamiko Beyer is a writer, poet, dreamer, and social justice communications strategist. Her books include LAST DAYS, WE COME ELEMENTAL, and POETRY AS SPELLCASTING -- co-edited with Destiny Hemphill and Lisbeth White.